IOPs Sales Monitoring

We estimate the volume and value of the medicines sold through IOPs.

IOPs sales have increased in recent years, particularly since the pandemic. Our novel method estimates the number of visits to each IOPs, the percentage of those visits that lead to sales, and what specific medicines were sold. This method allows us to estimate IOPs sales of particular medicines and assess the economic loss these sales represent to the industry. Our sales monitoring service is a key tool for pharmaceutical industry actors trying to determine the magnitude of IOPs sales of particular medicines.
Sales Volume

Sales Volume

We provide monthly updates about the volume of IOPs sales at different levels of granularity (active ingredient, therapeutic category, drug manufacturer, or the whole industry). In addition, we compare IOPs sales volumes against sales from legal pharmacies, providing an estimate of the illicit market share. Our benchmarking analysis indicates how IOPs sales of a selected active ingredient (or group of active ingredients) compare against IOPs sales of other active ingredients. This service provides a rich and precise understanding of the magnitude of IOPs sales, bringing transparency to an otherwise obscure market.
Sales Value

Sales Value

We provide monthly estimates of the pharmaceutical industry revenues that would have been generated had IOPs sales taken place through legal channels instead. We offer these estimates at different levels of granularity (active ingredient, therapeutic category, drug manufacturer, or the whole industry). In addition, we compare the industry’s revenue loss against actual revenues from legal sales, providing an estimate of the market share lost due to IOPs. Our benchmarking analysis compares the revenue loss caused by IOPs sales of an active ingredient (or group of active ingredients) against the revenue loss generated by IOPs sales of other active ingredients. This service allows us to calculate the economic impact of IOPs on the pharmaceutical industry.

Other services

IOPs Network Monitoring

IOPs form a network composed by thousands of densely interconnected nodes. This network is highly dynamic, with nodes dying out and new nodes arising, continuously modifying the network’s topology. Our IOPs Network Monitoring service maps this network and follows its temporal evolution, identifying the most active and central nodes at any given time.

IOPs Health Impact Monitoring

IOPs sell medicines without regulatory and medical oversight. This means that such medicines’ quality is not assured, and they may not even be the appropriate treatment for the customer. Our IOPs Health Impact Monitoring service helps assess the health consequences of patients’ buying medicines from IOPs and the associated healthcare costs.

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